* Promotion of knowledge on matters related to the function and diseases of the respiratory system.
Pulmonary diseases refer to a wide range of conditions that affect the respiratory system, mainly involving the airways, alveoli, and pulmonary vessels, but they can also affect the pleura, diaphragm, and mediastinum.
Dear friends,
On this page, you will find information about the most common pulmonary issues.
The purpose of this information is to inform you in a simple way about some pulmonary diseases and to facilitate possible communication with us. If you wish, you can contact me to answer any questions you may have and to update this website according to your needs.
The health information provided here is not intended as guidance for diagnosing and treating any potential health problem, as diagnosing a disease is a complex process, and the corresponding treatment is always different for each patient and should be done by your pulmonologist.
The information provided on the page is purely informative. For the proper management of your condition, your doctor is solely responsible!
Thank you, Dr. Vittorakis Stylianos MD, PhD
Spirometry and Pulmonary
Function Tests.
Spirometry is the most useful examination performed by a pulmonologist. Although not widely known, the information it provides about lung function is equally important to the information provided by an electrocardiogram for our heart!
*Πληροφορίες για πνευμονολογικά νοσήματα.

Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death, resulting in more deaths than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined.
*Pulmonary disease
African Dust
- A common and unwanted visitor
The dust traveling from Africa carries heavy metals and elements such as lead, arsenic, manganese, chromium, mercury, and more. The existence of these hazardous substances in the transported dust is primarily attributed to anthropogenic pollution in African deserts, including vehicle emissions, waste disposal, incineration of refuse, and historically, the war in Libya.
*Information on pulmonary diseases.

The Flu. Is
the fear justified?
Every winter we go through the flu season, which starts in November, peaks in February and March, and can extend until late April! During this period, many people around us experience some respiratory infection, more often caused by a virus (thus called a cold), such as the flu virus.
*Pulmonary diseases