IQOS. Monitoring their effects and developing appropriate legislation is crucial for protecting public health and informing consumers.
It appears that IQOS and heated tobacco products represent a new effort to perpetuate smoking habits and maintain the profits of the tobacco industry, as has been the case in previous years with other tactics such as light cigarettes, filters, etc.
Heated Tobacco Products
Development & Impact
Heated tobacco products are a new nicotine delivery system presented by the tobacco industry as “heat-not-burn” products.
These products consist of a base-receptor that heats a tobacco stick. The tobacco industry actively promotes these products, such as IQOS, BLOw, and RIVO.

The research of the tobacco industry claims a reduction of damages by 90-95%.
According to a press release from the tobacco industry, the primary ingredient in heated tobacco products is water, while the main ingredient in conventional cigarettes is tar.
In this way, the tobacco industry claims a 90-95% reduction in harmful substances and toxicity of these products.
Digging deeper into tobacco industry research on heated tobacco products:
Tobacco companies do not inform the public that some harmful ingredients were found in increased concentrations in their studies, such as suspended particles, tar, acetaldehyde (carcinogenic), acrylamide (potential carcinogen), and a metabolite of acrolein that is toxic and irritant.
Some studies found significantly increased concentrations of formaldehyde (a potential carcinogen) in heated tobacco products compared to conventional cigarettes.
Independent studies have shown a significantly increased risk compared to what the tobacco industry claims.
Historically, there is strong evidence that studies conducted or funded by the tobacco industry cannot be reliable. Former employees or insiders of tobacco companies have described serious irregularities in clinical experiments on heated tobacco products conducted by them.
Independent research has shown that acrolein (a toxic and irritant substance) is reduced by only 18%, formaldehyde (potential carcinogen) by 26%, benzaldehyde (potential carcinogen) by 50%, and levels of TSNAs (carcinogens) are detected at 1/5 compared to conventional cigarettes.
Additionally, the potential carcinogenic substance acenaphthene is found at least three times higher levels compared to conventional cigarettes, and levels of nicotine and tar have been found to be nearly the same as those in conventional cigarettes.
An experimental study on animals found that exposure to iQOS led to a 60% reduction in blood vessel function, a percentage comparable to that caused by conventional cigarettes.
Finally, a study found that iQOS users may need to smoke at such a fast rate that it could lead to increased intake of carbonyls (potential carcinogens) and nicotine, thus causing high levels of nicotine addiction.

What does the European Respiratory Society consist of?
Even if heated tobacco products may potentially be less harmful for smokers, they still remain highly harmful and addictive. There is an increased risk that smokers will ‘transition’ to these products instead of quitting smoking altogether.
The European Respiratory Society cannot endorse any product that is harmful to the lungs and human health.

Why does the ERS make this recommendation?
ERS (European Respiratory Society) and other medical organizations have already made several recommendations regarding the use of e-cigarettes and other tobacco products based on current scientific research and health data.
Specifically, the ERS and other medical bodies express concern about the use of e-cigarettes due to the high health risks it may pose to users.
Heated tobacco products:
- Are harmful and addictive.
- Undermine smokers’ desire to quit smoking.
- Undermine the desire of former smokers to remain smoke-free.
- Are a temptation for non-smokers and young people.
- Pose a risk of normalizing harmful smoking habits.
- Pose a risk of simultaneous use with conventional cigarettes.
It is tempting to suggest to smokers to switch to heated tobacco products without considering all the consequences. Our experience, for example with filtered cigarettes and lights (“light” cigarettes), has shown that the “safer products” undermine smokers’ desire to quit and have not improved smokers’ health.
Below are references from the tobacco industry regarding “safer products”: “Smokers who want to quit smoking should be discouraged or at least maintained in the market in the long term.
It should also be remembered that 2-3 out of 4 smokers want to quit smoking, and almost all smokers regret starting smoking. Additionally, many smokers want to quit smoking because they want to regain control of their lives and overcome nicotine addiction – this will not happen if they switch to heated tobacco products.
Furthermore, we have not proven that heated tobacco products are effective as a cessation aid.
Heated tobacco products, conventional cigarette smoking, and the use of tobacco for oral or nasal use are all addictive and carcinogenic to humans.
We should not allow discussion about new tobacco products to distract us from our fundamental obligation: to promote regulatory measures that we know are effective in reducing smoking and to support those who want to quit.

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