Clinic Equipment
At Dr. Stylianos Vittorakis' clinic in Chania, we provide high-quality medical services using state-of-the-art diagnostic and interventional tools, offering modern therapeutic solutions.
There is no doubt that effective care depends on a meaningful relationship between doctor and patient, with the doctor making a real commitment to achieving the best possible outcome, and providing all possible care.
Home Visit
Dr. Vittorakis Stylianos offers the possibility of visiting you at home for both urgent and non-urgent cases, in order to make an immediate diagnosis and monitoring of any relevant condition.
At the clinic, we diagnose, treat, and monitor patients with various lung diseases, including:

Full Functional Breath Control Spirometer.
The clinic is equipped with a state-of-the-art spirometer with comprehensive functional respiratory control, enabling detailed investigation of the respiratory system at all levels. This advanced tool aids in the early and accurate diagnosis and monitoring of various lung diseases, as well as assessing respiratory system damage caused by smoking or other conditions.
Since 2014, the same model of spirometer has been utilized in the Laboratory of Functional Respiratory Testing at the University Pulmonology Clinic of Sotiria Hospital, renowned as the largest and most comprehensive facility of its kind in Greece.

With the state-of-the-art spirometer for full functional breath testing, it is possible to perform useful tests such as:
- Simple spirometry – volume flow curve
- Specialized spirometry program for children
- Measurement of diffusing capacity (DLCO)
- Measurement of static lung volumes (RV, TLC)
- Measurement of maximal expiratory and inspiratory pressure (MIP/MEP)
- Measurement of airway resistance (Rocc) – particularly useful for young children who have difficulty with standard spirometry
- Closing volume

In the doctor's office it is also possible to do:
Blood gas analysis to check blood oxygenation and lung function.
Nocturnal monitoring of blood oxygen saturation to detect sleep apnea syndrome in adults and young children with hypertrophic tonsils or adenoid effusions.
Allergy testing via skin prick tests: These tests identify which allergens trigger sensitivity in asthmatic patients, allowing them to avoid specific allergens.
6-minute walk test: This test assesses respiratory function during walking, simulating conditions closer to the patient's daily activities.
FENO nitric oxide measurement, useful for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with allergic asthma.
Carbon monoxide measurement, useful for assessing nicotine dependence and long-term risk from smoking.
Tuberculin skin test (Mantoux test): Used to assess exposure to the tuberculosis bacteria.
In challenging health situations or emergencies, Dr. Stylianos Vittorakis is here to support you and your family. The clinic is affiliated with the Ministry of National Defense (Army, Air Force, Navy) insurance fund, the nationwide diagnostic network of Affidea, Interamerican Medifirst, Generali insurance, and other insurance providers.